Import collection library and playlists from Clementine
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Before importing data from Clementine, start Strawberry once so that the initial database schemas (tables) are created. Then exit both Strawberry and Clementine before you start.
The following guide is only briefly tested.
Start sqlite3
On a terminal and type:
You will then get a command prompt where you can manually perform SQL queries.
Attach databases
Replace username with your own.
Type the following commands to attach both databases;
ATTACH '/home/username/.local/share/strawberry/strawberry/strawberry.db' AS strawberry; ATTACH '/home/username/.config/Clementine/clementine.db' AS clementine;
Delete all existing songs, playlists and playlist items in the strawberry.db
This must be done when importing all data from Clementine because playlists are based on ROWIDs.
DELETE FROM strawberry.directories;
DELETE FROM strawberry.subdirectories;
DELETE FROM strawberry.songs;
DELETE FROM strawberry.playlists;
DELETE FROM strawberry.playlist_items;
Import all data from the collection library songs
INSERT INTO strawberry.directories (path, subdirs) SELECT path, subdirs FROM clementine.directories;
INSERT INTO strawberry.subdirectories (directory_id, path, mtime) SELECT directory, path, mtime FROM clementine.subdirectories;
INSERT INTO strawberry.songs (ROWID, title, album, artist, albumartist, track, disc, year, originalyear, genre, compilation, composer, performer, grouping, comment, lyrics, beginning, length, bitrate, samplerate, directory_id, url, filetype, filesize, mtime, ctime, unavailable, playcount, skipcount, lastplayed, compilation_detected, compilation_on, compilation_off, compilation_effective, art_automatic, art_manual, effective_albumartist, effective_originalyear, cue_path, rating) SELECT ROWID, title, album, artist, albumartist, track, disc, year, originalyear, genre, compilation, composer, performer, grouping, comment, lyrics, beginning, length, bitrate, samplerate, directory, filename, filetype, filesize, mtime, ctime, unavailable, playcount, skipcount, lastplayed, sampler, forced_compilation_on, forced_compilation_off, effective_compilation, art_automatic, art_manual, effective_albumartist, effective_originalyear, cue_path, rating FROM clementine.songs WHERE unavailable = 0;
UPDATE strawberry.songs SET source = 2;
UPDATE strawberry.songs SET artist_id = '';
UPDATE strawberry.songs SET album_id = '';
UPDATE strawberry.songs SET song_id = '';
Import playlists
INSERT INTO strawberry.playlists (ROWID, name, last_played, special_type, ui_path, is_favorite, dynamic_playlist_type, dynamic_playlist_data, dynamic_playlist_backend) SELECT ROWID, name, last_played, special_type, ui_path, is_favorite, dynamic_playlist_type, dynamic_playlist_data, dynamic_playlist_backend FROM clementine.playlists WHERE dynamic_playlist_type ISNULL;
Import playlist items
INSERT INTO strawberry.playlist_items (ROWID, playlist, collection_id, title, album, artist, albumartist, track, disc, year, originalyear, genre, compilation, composer, performer, grouping, comment, lyrics, beginning, length, bitrate, samplerate, directory_id, url, filetype, filesize, mtime, ctime, unavailable, playcount, skipcount, lastplayed, compilation_detected, compilation_on, compilation_off, compilation_effective, art_automatic, art_manual, effective_albumartist, effective_originalyear, cue_path, rating ) SELECT ROWID, playlist, library_id, title, album, artist, albumartist, track, disc, year, originalyear, genre, compilation, composer, performer, grouping, comment, lyrics, beginning, length, bitrate, samplerate, directory, filename, filetype, filesize, mtime, ctime, unavailable, playcount, skipcount, lastplayed, sampler, forced_compilation_on, forced_compilation_off, effective_compilation, art_automatic, REPLACE(art_manual, '.config/Clementine/albumcovers','.local/share/strawberry/strawberry/collectionalbumcovers'), effective_albumartist, effective_originalyear, cue_path, rating FROM clementine.playlist_items WHERE type = 'Library';
UPDATE strawberry.playlist_items SET source = 2;
UPDATE strawberry.playlist_items SET type = 2;
UPDATE strawberry.playlist_items SET artist_id = '';
UPDATE strawberry.playlist_items SET album_id = '';
UPDATE strawberry.playlist_items SET song_id = '';
Recreate the FTS tables
DELETE FROM strawberry.songs_fts;
INSERT INTO strawberry.songs_fts (ROWID, ftstitle, ftsalbum, ftsartist, ftsalbumartist, ftscomposer, ftsperformer, ftsgrouping, ftsgenre, ftscomment) SELECT ROWID, title, album, artist, albumartist, composer, performer, grouping, genre, comment FROM strawberry.songs;
Detach the databases and quit
DETACH clementine; DETACH strawberry; .quit
Restore all album covers
Use the following command to restore all album covers cached in Clementine:
cp ~/.config/Clementine/albumcovers/* ~/.local/share/strawberry/strawberry/collectionalbumcovers/