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Building on macOS
Building on macOS
This guide is only working for x86_64 because the arm64 dependencies are in a private repository self-hosted because GitHub does not provide arm64 runners.

Revision as of 20:55, 22 November 2023

Building on macOS

This guide is only working for x86_64 because the arm64 dependencies are in a private repository self-hosted because GitHub does not provide arm64 runners.

Install xcode tools

   xcode-select --install

Download and install dependencies

Dependencies will be extracted under /opt/strawberry_macos_ARCH_release

   curl -f -O -L$(uname -m)-release.tar.xz
   sudo tar -C / -xf strawberry-macos-$(uname -m)-release.tar.xz
   rm strawberry-macos-$(uname -m)-release.tar.xz

Checkout code

   git clone --recursive
   cd strawberry
   mkdir build
   cd build

(If you already did `git clone`, do `git pull` to make sure you have the latest code).

Configure build

   PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/lib/pkgconfig LDFLAGS="-L/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/lib -Wl,-rpath,/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/lib" /opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/bin/cmake --log-level="DEBUG" -S .. -B . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -DBUILD_WITH_QT6=ON -DUSE_BUNDLE=ON -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/lib/cmake" -DPKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/bin/pkg-config" -DICU_ROOT="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release" -DFFTW3_DIR="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release" -DENABLE_DBUS=OFF -DGETTEXT_MSGMERGE_EXECUTABLE="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/bin/msgmerge" -DGETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/bin/msgfmt" -DGETTEXT_XGETTEXT_EXECUTABLE="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/bin/xgettext"


   make -j 4
   make install

Set environment variables

   export GIO_EXTRA_MODULES="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/lib/gio/modules"
   export GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/libexec/gstreamer-1.0/gst-plugin-scanner"
   export GST_PLUGIN_PATH="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/lib/gstreamer-1.0"
   export LIBSOUP_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/strawberry_macos_$(uname -m)_release/lib/libsoup-3.0.0.dylib"


   make deploy

Deploy check

Checks that all libraries are deployed correctly.

   make deploycheck

Create DMG

   make dmg


To install, either open the DMG, drag Strawberry over to Applications, or manually copy the folder over to /Applications/